Green Recovery: CCUS to support green jobs in industry
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Tuesday, December 8, 2020 - 10:00 to 12:30
(time is CET)
Covid-19 has shown that governments can take rapid, decisive and unprecedented measures in the face of a looming threat, and this has prompted calls to use investment to ‘build back better’ as countries recover. This event was about exploring the role of carbon capture storage and/or utilisation (CCUS) in both the just transition to a net-zero Europe, and a green recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
CCUS technologies have a crucial role in the just transition, enabling skilled jobs in high-emitting industries to be retained, and allowing workers in oil and gas to apply their skills in the CO₂ transport and storage sector. At the same time, building the new infrastructure that will be needed for CCUS provides new construction jobs, as well as the opportunity to lay the foundations for low-carbon inward investment.
The Norwegian government has submitted a proposal to the Norwegian Parliament to launch the NOK 25.1 Billion carbon capture and storage (CCS) project named Langskip (Longship), andsix CO₂ transport projects of common interest have recently received funding through the Connecting Europe Facility in order to move them forward. Watch the recording to find out more about how these projects will support a just transition and a green recovery, and how the EU Climate Law can drive further investment in industrial decarbonisation.
10.00 Introduction, Chair: Hans Bolscher (Trinomics)
Session 1 - Chair: Marie Bysveen (SINTEF)
10.10 The role of CCUS in decarbonisation of industry, Peter Horvath, DG ENER
Covid-19 has shown that governments can take rapid, decisive and unprecedented measures in the face of a looming threat, and this has prompted calls to use investment to ‘build back better’ as countries recover. This event was about exploring the role of carbon capture storage and/or utilisation (CCUS) in both the just transition to a net-zero Europe, and a green recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
CCUS technologies have a crucial role in the just transition, enabling skilled jobs in high-emitting industries to be retained, and allowing workers in oil and gas to apply their skills in the CO₂ transport and storage sector. At the same time, building the new infrastructure that will be needed for CCUS provides new construction jobs, as well as the opportunity to lay the foundations for low-carbon inward investment.
The Norwegian government has submitted a proposal to the Norwegian Parliament to launch the NOK 25.1 Billion carbon capture and storage (CCS) project named Langskip (Longship), and six CO₂ transport projects of common interest have recently received funding through the Connecting Europe Facility in order to move them forward. Watch the recording to find out more about how these projects will support a just transition and a green recovery, and how the EU Climate Law can drive further investment in industrial decarbonisation.
10.00 Introduction, Chair: Hans Bolscher (Trinomics)
Session 1 - Chair: Marie Bysveen (SINTEF)
10.10 The role of CCUS in decarbonisation of industry, Peter Horvath, DG ENER
10.20 PORTHOS/CO2 TransPorts, Bram Sommer, PORTHOS
10.30 Longship/Langskip, Per Sandberg, Northern Lights
10.40 Ervia Vision 2050: CCUS PCI/CEF Update, Gearóid FitzGerald, Ervia
10.50 Open discussion and Q&A - just, green recovery in Europe
Session 2 - Chair: Hans Bolscher (Trinomics)
11.10 Just Transition Fund, Helena Sundblad-Schäfer, DG REGIO
11.20 Cross-border Acorn CO2-SAPLING transport and infrastructure project, Ian Phillips, Pale Blue Dot Energy
11.30 Netherlands CO2 transport hub offshore storage, Eric Kreft, EBN
11.40 The role of CCS and CCU in German Industry, Dennis Krämer, DECHEMA
11.50 C²inCO2: Calcium Carbonation for industrial use of CO2, Dr Jan Skocek, Heidelberg Cement
12.00 Open discussion and Q&A - social role of industry and relevance of CCUS
12.20 Closing remarks
12.30 End of meeting
Photo by Lisa Obenauf on Unsplash