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DPN Thematic Reports

Thematic report: Public engagement: Lessons learned in 2010
Using the structure of the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) best practice guide for Public Outreach and Education for Carbon Storage Projects, the Network members have jointly developed a record of their main communications activities and have also generated a series of lessons learned that can be summarised.

Thematic report. Characterisation session: storage, October 2012
This report gives an update on the storage site characterisation work undertaken by the leading European projects since the knowledge sharing event held in May 2012 as well as a summary of the discussions and key learning points that resulted from the thematic event held in October 2012. The workshop was one of three sessions held in parallel during the EC CCS Project Demonstration Network knowledge sharing event. The other thematic groups were public engagement and regulatory development.

Thematic report: CO2 transport session May 2014
This report summarises the topics discussed at the Thematic Workshop on CO2 Transport of the European CCS Demonstration Project Network. It covers the updates from three Network projects: ROAD (NL), Compostilla (ES), and Sleipner (NO) with apologies for absence from the Don Valley Project (UK).
The knowledge sharing meeting, held in Ponferrada (Spain) on 8-9 May 2014 and hosted by CIUDEN (Compostilla Project), addressed also the topics of storage and regulatory developments, covered in separate reports.

Thematic report. Regulatory development session: October 2013
This report presents the discussions, conclusions and actions agreed at the European CCS Demonstration Project Network thematic workshop on Regulatory Development which was held in Stavanger and hosted by Statoil on the 23 and 24 October 2013.
This meeting included an update from the European Commission, detailed project updates from Don Valley, Compostilla and ROAD, an update on the current policy, legal, regulatory activities within ZEP.

Thematic report. Transport session: October 2013
This report summarises main topics raised in the second European CCS Demonstration Project Network thematic workshop on CO2 transport held during the Network Knowledge Sharing Event in Stavanger (Norway) on 23-24 October 2013, hosted by the Sleipner Project (Statoil).

Thematic report: Storage session October 2013
This report summarised the proceedings of the Storage Thematic Workshop held at the knowledge sharing event of the European CCS Demonstration Project Network in Stavanger on the 23rd and 24th of October 2013.

Thematic report: Transport session May 2013
This report presents the discussions, conclusions and actions agreed at the first thematic workshop on CO2 transportation by the European CCS Demonstration Project Network, which was held at Doncaster, and hosted by the Don Valley Power Project (UK) on 20-21 May 2012.

Thematic report: Storage session – May 2013
This report presents the information, discussions and key learning points from the 1st storage knowledge sharing event of 2013 held on 20 and 21 May 2013 in Doncaster, UK.

Thematic report: Regulatory development session May 2013
This report presents the discussions, conclusions and actions agreed at the thematic workshop on Regulatory Development which was held in Doncaster and hosted by the Don Valley project on the 20 and 21 May 2013.

Thematic report: Regulatory development session October 2012
The European CCS Demonstration Projects Network has continued the regulatory development theme with in detail updates from the projects, an increased focus on issues surrounding the implementation of the CCS directive within the legal framework of the different member states, a special report from ROAD, and input from DECC.

Thematic report: Public engagement session October 2012
This report presents the discussions and conclusions reached at a workshop of the European CCS Demonstration Project Network in September 2012 – examining the messaging, tools used and the language used to communicate about CCS. This report seeks to complement and follow on from the report from May 2012 by the same group, which examined the perceived risks and stakeholder profiles that these messages, and messengers, serve and address.

Thematic report: Monitoring session (storage) May 2012
This report presents the discussions, conclusions and actions agreed at a one-day thematic workshop on storage monitoring which was held at the Schwartze Pumpe power plant, Germany 2012.

Thematic report: Regulatory development session May 2012
This report presents the discussions, conclusions and actions agreed at a one-day thematic workshop on regulatory development which was held at the Schwartze Pumpe power plant, Germany 2012.

Thematic report: Public engagement session May 2012
This report presents the discussions, conclusions and actions agreed at a one-day thematic workshop on public engagement held at the Schwartze Pumpe power plant, Germany 2012.

Thematic report: Knowledge sharing event on public engagement: Third 2011 sharing event
The public engagement workshop was the third knowledge sharing event held in 2011. THe event focussed on four items: - Sharing experiences on emerging public engagement issues; - Discussion on the implications of a recent report on CCS communication; - Further development of a web-supported CCS issues tracker to serve as a tool to support CCS project communication professionals; - Agreeing the Network’s thematic outputs for 2011 in the area of public engagement.

Thematic report: Risk management: Lessons learned in 2010
In 2010 the CCS network organised three workshops on risk management. The activities in this theme have helped the members to create a greater understanding of CCS projectspecific risk management more rapidly than they would have otherwise achieved independently. This important topic has helped to inform individual project activities and influence the focus of knowledge sharing activities of the CCS projects in the network during 2011.

Thematic report: Permitting: Lessons learned in 2010
The The European CCS demonstration projects are currently in the early permitting stages. Key observations from CCS permitting in Europe are that the legal and regulatory frameworks for transport and storage of CCS projects are in progress, but in general not implemented in national legislation. The CCS demonstration projects are among the first CCS projects in Europe and will be instrumental in the practical implementation of the regulatory framework (interpretation and precedent) and in building competence among regulators on regulating CCS projects. The regulatory framework will be further developed, based on experiences and issues identified by the first CCS projects.