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The Carbon Capture Technology Conference & Expo

Advancing The Transition To Negative Carbon Emissions
Since the beginning of the industrial era, carbon dioxide levels in the Earth’s atmosphere have increased significantly. Tackling climate change is one the biggest global challenges that requires immediate action and many industrial sectors are now looking to new technology to help meet net-zero emission targets. Research conducted by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that carbon capture is an essential technology in the fight to mitigate climate change.
Past events

TCCS-11 goes virtual - June 22 - 23, 2021
Trondheim Carbon Capture & Storage Conference is a globally leading scientific CCS technology conference, and an essential meeting place
for over 400 CCS experts and world leading speakers.
TCCS is the place to be for discussing CCS within R&D institutions, universities and industry.
1st CO2-WIN Conference

The 1st status conference of the BMBF funding measure "CO2as a sustainable source of carbon - Pathways to industrial applications - CO2-WIN" will take place on June 8/9, 2021. We would like to invite you to join the online-event. Get insights about the latest developments of the funded projects on CO2-utilization and learn what we can expect in the short and long term!
The conference language is english, the participation is free of charge.
Supporting Europe's 2050 climate targets through Carbon Capture and Storage

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) will have a key role to play in Europe’s industrial transition towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. CCS are proven, cost-efficient technologies, that are available now and necessary for Europe to reach its target of net-zero emissions by 2050.
North-South-East-West: building political support for CCS and CCU in Europe

Carbon Capture Storage and/or Utilisation (CCUS) is increasingly being acknowledged as a necessary tool to achieve the decarbonisation of the European economy by 2050. CCUS technologies have a role to play in facilitating the Just Transition, enabling skilled jobs in high-emitting industries to be retained, and allowing workers in oil and gas to apply their skills in the CO₂ transport and storage sector. At the moment, the majority of mature CCUS projects in Europe have been developed in Northern and Western European countries.
Innovation Fund: Lessons learnt from the applications to the 2020 calls

On 28 April, the Commission is organising an online event on first two calls for projects launched in 2020 under the Innovation Fund.
The event will provide an overview of the project applications invited to the second stage of the large-scale call, and present lessons learnt and best practices. It will also provide an overview of the applications received for the small-scale call and present the results of the applicants’ survey on the application process. Finally, it will give an outlook on the second round of Innovation Fund calls planned for the fourth quarter of 2021.
Opportunities in CCS: Finding Government Funding and Business Partners

9:00 am Washington DC (EST) / 14:00 pm London (GMT) / 15:00 pm Brussels (CET)
2021 could well be The Year of CCS. The growth in CCS projects is being driven by many factors: an increasing realization of the dangers of climate change, an acknowledge of the important role CCS plays in net-zero scenarios, decarbonization commitments from governments and business, and increased financial investment from both.

15-18 March 2021 (CET +3)
GHGT-15 is a focal point for international research on CO2 capture and storage and features an extensive programme of keynote talks, research presentations and posters, and panel discussions. The event, which is held every two years, will be held online this year due to Covid-19 and will also include a virtual Exhibition Hall.
The role of CCS in the Green Deal - Webinar by Clean Energy Ministerial CCUS Initiative

The EU Green Deal expects that the European economy becomes climate neutral by 2050, and a 55% reduction of greenhouse gases is required by 2030 in the associated Climate Target Plan. There is a broad agreement across public, stakeholder and international analyses of EU decarbonisation pathways that CCS will be needed at scale to decarbonise energy intensive industries - some of those also suggest that blue hydrogen will play an important role in the coming decades.
EU Industry Week: CCS and Reaching Net-Zero Targets in Europe

NB: Time shown is GMT LONDON (14:00 BRUSSELS, 08:00 WASHINGTON D.C)
The European Commission will be hosting EU Industry Week, and the Global CCS Institute is excited to take part. The Institute will be holding a webinar to discuss Europe’s 2050 net-zero target and the role CCS will play in decarbonising industry.
Key CCUS projects delivering industrial decarbonisation: How Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage will contribute to making European industry climate-neutral by 2050

NB: Times shown are CET (Central European Time)
The crucial role of low-carbon hydrogen production to achieve Europe’s climate ambition: How CCS can enable early and cost-efficient clean hydrogen at scale

NB: Times shown are CET (Central European Time)
Green Recovery: CCUS to support green jobs in industry

Covid-19 has shown that governments can take rapid, decisive and unprecedented measures in the face of a looming threat, and this has prompted calls to use investment to ‘build back better’ as countries recover. This event was about exploring the role of carbon capture storage and/or utilisation (CCUS) in both the just transition to a net-zero Europe, and a green recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Decarbonising European Industry Production: CO2 capture at Norcem and Tata Steel

Despite the current coronavirus situation, governments and industry are looking to the future and a green recovery. This webinar highlighted two projects that are already developing carbon capture projects on cement and steel and featured a Q&A with our speakers.
ELEGANCY Webinar Series on CCS and Hydrogen

The ACT project ELEGANCY is ready to present its findings on CCS and hydrogen in a free webinar series. The series starts off on 18 June with a presentation of key findings and recommendations.
CCS Talks: The European Green Deal and CCS – Fireside chat with DG CLIMA’s Artur Runge-Metzger

The European Green Deal is a sustainable growth strategy for the European economy and society, with an overall aim to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. In this upcoming fireside chat with Artur Runge-Metzger, Director, DG CLIMA, our senior policy advisor Eve Tamme will explore the role of CCUS in the context of the European Green Deal and its extensive list of initiatives.
Webinar on CCS on Waste-to-Energy: results and experiences from Fortum Oslo Varme’s pilot plant

Fortum Oslo Varme (FOV) invites you to a webinar to share experiences and results from carbon capture pilot plant tested at flue gas from our Waste-to-Energy plant at Klemetsrud in Oslo.
CANCELLED Climate Neutrality by 2050: A Pathway for Industry

CANCELLED The European CCUS Projects Network invites you to its first public event, an expert discussion on industrial transition options. More details and registration on our event page.
Webinar: Developing and operating industrial-scale amine CO2 capture

Our third webinar, co-hosted by SINTEF and the Norwegian CCS Research Centre, featured a presentation by Fortum Oslo Varme on amine CO2 capture and a discussion of the EU's Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan by SINTEF.
Futureproofing industry: success stories from Europe’s emerging CCUS projects

The second webinar from the EU CCUS Projects Network featuring two very different projects, which have overcome challenges and seized opportunities to progress carbon capture, utilisation and storage.
CCUS Projects Network: First Knowledge-sharing Meeting

On May 27, 2019, the CCUS Projects Network was launched in Brussels. Our first knowledge-sharing event was aimed at potential Project Members and provided information on the Network's objectives and membership benefits as well as opportunities for discussion.
Webinar 1: Introducing the European CCUS Projects Network

Our first webinar, on Tuesday 21 May, provides an introduction to the European CCUS Projects Network for new and potential members. Find out more about the Network’s aims and ambitions, and its value to you as a potential member.
Webinar Recording now available.